Trump Is ‘Kind of Person That Needs to Lead Our Country’ Supporter Says Because God ‘Used Harlots’

CNN Host Just Can’t Anymore With Crazed Trump Supporter

A Kansas county Republican Party chair says Donald Trump is exactly what America needs, because the Lord works in mysterious ways, or something.

Vicki Sciolaro, a national and district-level Republican Party delegate, is supporting Donald Trump because he is “the kind of person that needs to lead our county” despite his comments describing sexual assault.  

“God can use anybody. He used the harlots. And that’s the thing. It’s all about what God can do. God can do this. God can use this man,” Sciolaro told CNN’s Brooke Baldwin, who did an admirable job of trying to hold it together as she hosted the discussion on what Trump insists was just “locker room talk.”

University of Pennsylvania Professor Shaun Harper pushed back, reminding her that she has been “suggesting that we should talk about the issues, talk about the substance. I would argue that sexism and sexual assault are a part of the issues that our country must grapple with.”

Sciolaro agreed, saying “they are, just like human trafficking,” to which Baldwin’s head turned quizzically.

“Millions of children” Harper reminded her, heard Trump’s comments from the 2005 “Access Hollywood” tape. “Boys and girls,” he added. “Boys may take their cues from this guy who wants to be our president.”

Sciolaro interjected: “When Bill Clinton was president my children came home from school and they had no idea it was the called the ‘Oval Office.’ They thought it was called the ‘Oral Office’ because of the talk in the elementary schools.”

Baldwin put her head down into her hands, as if overwhelmed and disgusted.

“But Vicki, Bill Clinton isn’t running for president,” Baldwin reminded her.

“No, but his wife is. His wife is. And they are a pair. The two are one,” Sciolaro claimed.

Watch the video as tweeted by The Daily Beast’s Colin Jones:


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