Pro-Trump Pastor Jeffress, Anti-LGBT Hate Groups Gather To Discuss “America’s Coming Implosion”

“Witch’s Coven Of Haters” To Convene In Houston Before Election

Pastor Robert Jeffress of First Baptist Church in Dallas, a staunch supporter of GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump, will headline an anti-LGBT hatefest in Houston the weekend before Election Day. 

Last week, after Donald Trump’s 2005 remarks condoning sexual assault surfaced, Jeffress doubled down on his support for the GOP presidential nominee, saying he’s “still the best candidate to reverse the downward spiral this nation is in.”

“While the comments are lewd, offensive, and indefensible … they are not enough to make me vote for Hillary Clinton,” Jeffress said, adding that he would “not necessarily choose Donald Trump to be a Sunday School teacher” but he still supports him.

Then, following the second presidential debate on Sunday night, Jeffress declared that Trump had “redeemed himself.” 

“He did exactly what he needed to do,” Jeffress said. “He apologized for his comments and quickly pivoted.”

On Oct. 28 and 29, Jeffress will deliver two keynote speeches titled “America’s Coming Implosion,” at the Stand4Truth conference in Houston, the Texas Observer reports. Organized by the US Pastor Council, which led opposition to Houston’s Equal Rights Ordinance, the Stand4Truth conference is co-sponsored by anti-LGBT hate groups including Liberty Counsel, MassResistance and Conservative Republicans of Texas. 

Mark Potok, senior fellow at the Southern Poverty Law Center, called it “the witch’s coven of haters.”

“These are essentially the same people in the evangelical world who’ve refused to move away from Donald Trump,” Potok told the Observer, adding that the religious right is getting “more and more nervous as the election approaches.”  

“They can describe all of this as locker room talk, but the signs are ominous for them,” Potok said. “I’m sure they’re worried.”

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