Hillary Clinton Beating Donald Trump by 14 Points in New AP Poll

‘Clinton’s Advantage Is About More Than Just Voter Dislike for Trump’

Hillary Clinton is beating Donald Trump by 14 points among likely voters in a just-released AP-GfK poll of 1546 adults conducted October 20 – 24. Overall, Clinton leads Trump 51-37. The poll “finds that Clinton has secured the support of 90 percent of likely Democratic voters, and also has the backing of 15 percent of more moderate Republicans. Just 79 percent of all Republicans surveyed say they are voting for their party’s nominee.”

The AP says Clinton “appears on the cusp of a potentially commanding victory over Donald Trump, fueled by solid Democratic turnout in early voting, massive operational advantages and increasing enthusiasm among her supporters” and has “grabbed significant advantages over her Republican rival.”

74 percent of likely voters believe Clinton will will the presidency, and 12 million voters have already cast ballots, far more than had at this point in 2012.

And voters choosing Clinton over Trump are not doing so just because of an opposition to the bombastic billionaire. The poll “suggests Clinton’s advantage is about more than just voter dislike for Trump. Clinton supporters are more likely than his backers to list their candidate’s leadership, qualifications for the presidency and positions on issues as major factors in their support.”

But despite positive showings in the less than two weeks to Election Day, the Clinton campaign is not getting comfortable.

Clinton communications director Jennifer Palmieri tells the AP, “Donald Trump said he could still win, and he could if our people get complacent.”


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Image by Michael Davidson for Hillary for America via Flickr and a CC license

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