Clinton Opens 10 Point Lead Over Trump in Latest National Poll

Clinton Beats Trump Across Every Age Demographic 

Hillary Clinton is beating Donald Trump nationwide by ten points in the latest Fairleigh Dickinson University PublicMind poll. The Democratic nominee wins half of voters, 50%, to Trump’s 40%. 

In a hypothetical matchup between Trump and Clinton’s running mate, Tim Kaine, the numbers for Democrats are even stronger. Kaine would win, 55% to Trump’s 39%. Were Mike Pence at the top of the GOP ticket, Clinton would still win, but only by one point, 47% to 46%. The poll was take before Tuesday night’s vice presidential debate.

Trump’s best demographics are whites and those who hold only a high school degree. Clinton takes 56% of women, while only 32% say they would vote for Trump.

Clinton beats Trump across every age group, winning those 18-29 (46% to 43%), those 30-44 (55% to 28%), those 45-64 (48% to 43%), and those 65 and older (50% to 43%).

While the poll may be considered by some to be an outlier, it follows other polls showing Clinton beating Trump and retaining strong momentum after the presidential debate and Trump’s subsequent attacks against former Miss Universe Alicia Machado.


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Image by Gage Skidmore via Flickr and a CC license
Hat tip: Joe.My.God.

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