WATCH: Samantha Bee Slams News Media for False Balance

No, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Are Not Equally Flawed Candidates

Samantha Bee is back from vacation and Monday night slammed the news media for an avalanche of false balance. Bee ripped NBC’s Matt Lauer for his disastrous moderating of the “Commander in Chief” forum, especially for spending so much time on Clinton’s emails.

“Do you really think there’s an email smoking gun that the Inspector General, a House committee, the FBI and 18 months of nonstop news coverage couldn’t find that’ll be magically uncovered,” Bee asked. She called Lauer “a human Splenda whose crowning journalistic triumph is not knowing where the f*ck he is” and “a man whose crack journalism skills include getting up early and asking tough questions about recipes.”

Bee focused on the fact that journalists increasingly seem to be allowing lies to go unchallenged, and refusing to call a fact a fact. 

“Why can’t the media just tell us what’s true and what’s bullsh*t?,” Bee asked.

“Calling a liar a liar isn’t an opinion if you can prove it,” she reminded the media. “That’s what we call a fact. The idea that news network executives traded their balls for ratings – that’s just my opinion.”

Watch, part one above and part two below:



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