WATCH: New Trump Ad Features Ted Nugent, Who Has Called for Clinton to Be Hanged

Claims Clinton Will Outlaw Hunting, Sell Public Lands

The Donald Trump for President campaign has released a new, 8-minute ad featuring rocker Ted Nugent, an NRA board member whose racist, homophobic, misogynistic, anti-Semitic comments have become his calling card. 

“The Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, the Ten Commandments, the golden rule,” Nugent says in the video, as Media Matters first reported. “We the people, choosing our own pursuit of happiness: It doesn’t happen anywhere else in the world. Hunting, fishing, trapping: We the people own these precious renewable natural resources. It’s a way of life, which is why conservation is the greatest success story in the world here in America.”

Nugent claims “Hillary Clinton is against all these things. She will destroy the freedom that is uniquely American. Donald Trump will safeguard the things that make America the greatest place in the world.”

In January, Nugent called for Clinton to be hanged for treason, and in May, he promoted a video showing Hillary Clinton’s murder.

Media Matters notes that Nugent has “called the former secretary of state a ‘toxic cunt.’ In a viral 2007 concert video, an assault-rifle-wielding Nugent called Clinton a “worthless bitch” and said that she should ride on his machine gun.”

Nugent has a long history of making racist and other inflammatory commentary,” Media Matters continues. “In 2016 alone, Nugent has promoted anti-Semitic content, used a racial slur against a Latino critic, promoted misogynist reasons why guns are better than women, shared a racist meme advertising the fake moving company ‘2 niggers and a stolen truck,’ and smeared Minnesota police shooting victim Philando Castile as a criminal. In 2015, Nugent devoted an entire column to praising the use of the word ‘nigger,’ even in a racist context.”

Trump’s ad begins with Trump’s son, who has flirted with white supremacism, talking about hunting with Mark Geist, a former U.S. service member who holds Clinton responsible for Benghazi and who spoke at the RNC.

Stunningly, the ad also includes an endorsement from Kris Kobach, the Kansas Secretary of State who is also the attorney for an anti-immigrant hate group. Kobach is “of counsel” for the Immigration Law Reform Institute, which is the legal arm of F.A.I.R., the Federation for American Immigration Reform – certified as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. 

Others throughout the ad claim that Hillary Clinton will outlaw “our hunting way of life,” even someone who uses a bow and arrows.

For better or worse, Clinton has gone on record saying she does not want to take away anyone’s guns.

It is possible to say that few of the claims made in this ad are true. 

The Nugent portion begins at the 3:09 mark, but watch the entire video to see how many falsehoods you can find:


Hat tip: Joe.My.God.

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