Washington Post Poll of 74,000 Registered Voters Nationwide Shows 10 Tossup States – Including Texas

Clinton Beating Trump in Lone Star State – by One Point

Hillary Clinton could beat Donald Trump in Texas. That’s what a massive just-released Washington Post/Survey Monkey poll of over 74,000 registered voters finds, with the Democratic nominee currently beating her Republican opponent 46-45. When third-party candidates are added, Clinton and Trump tie, 40-40, with Gary Johnson taking 11 points away and Jill Stein 3. Texas has the second-most number of electoral college votes, 38. 

The poll also finds other once-safe for Republicans states like Georgia (46-46) are now tossups. North Carolina is also tied, 46-46. In Florida and Colorado, Clinton is beating Trump by only 2 points, 46-44. Arizona is even closer, with Clinton currently beating Trump 46-45.

Stunningly, Mississippi is also in the tossup column, with Trump beating Clinton by only two points, 48-46.

The Post’s Philip Bump notes, “Clinton is doing better than Obama with Democrats in eight states. Trump is outperforming Romney with Republicans in two.” He concludes, “Donald Trump needs, simply enough, to do better than Mitt Romney in order to win. At this point, he isn’t.”

The poll was conducted over a long period, Aug. 9 through Sept. 1, a volatile time for both candidates, especially for Clinton, who lost a good deal of ground, effectively giving up her post-convention bounce.


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Image by Texas by AnonMoos via Wikimedia and a CC license
Image of Hillary Clinton by Gage Skidmore via Flickr and a CC license 

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