WATCH: Videos of Donald Trump’s Deposition Have Just Been Released by a Judge

Cases Involve Two Celebrity Chefs Who Canceled Deals With Trump After His Offensive Remarks About Immigrants

Videos of Donald Trump’s sworn deposition, in which he gives testimony under oath about Mexicans and Hispanics, have just been released by a judge. The Trump campaign fought the public release of the videos.

Trump is suing Geoffrey Zakarian after the famous “Iron Chef” pulled out of a deal in which he would open a restaurant, The National, in Trump’s new Washington, D.C. hotel at the Old Post Office building. Zakarian cited Trump’s offensive remarks about Mexicans and other minorities as his reason for ending the deal. Zakarian is counter-suing.

The Republican presidential nominee is also suing another notable chef, José Andrés, who also pulled out of a deal to open a restaurant in Trump’s new D.C. hotel, citing trump’s remarks against Hispanics as well. Andrés is also counter-suing.

The full video below, which has been cut into two parts, includes Trump’s remarks and explanations. 

In part one Trump says that he had planned to make his remarks about Mexicans in the speech he gave announcing he was launching his presidential campaign. He also says he had not discussed the remarks or the decision to make them with anyone prior to delivering his speech. 

Trump at another point defends himself by saying he’s been making similar remarks for a long time, perhaps suggesting they should not have come as a surprise to anyone.

In another portion of the deposition, Trump brags “about how he signs hundreds of real estate leases but relies on others to actually read and review the documents,” Buzzfeed reports.

Buzzfeed first published the videos  after filing court motions to have them and the transcripts released, and Raw Story published the versions below, via YouTube. 

Washingtonian last month reported on the two cases and the Trump organization’s efforts to replace the chefs.

Trump under oath said he did virtually nothing to prepare for the deposition.

Part One:

Part Two:


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