Trump Speaks at Black Church, Compares Himself to Abraham Lincoln

GOP Nominee Reads Scripted Remarks After Being Greeted by Protesters in Detroit

Speaking at a predominantly Black church for the first time in his campaign, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump vowed to build the future of the GOP on President Abraham Lincoln’s legacy. 

After recording an interview with Bishop Wayne T. Jackson in which he gave scripted answers, Trump read from notes on a podium in front of him at Great Faith Ministries in Detroit. 

“A lot of people don’t realize that Abraham Lincoln — the great Abraham Lincoln — was a Republican,” Trump said. “It is on his legacy that I hope to build the future of the party.” 

Trump was greeted by angry protesters outside the church, with many holding signs saying, “No Hate in the White House.” There was even a taco truck. 

Inside the mostly empty church, Trump sat in the front pew alongside campaign surrogate Ben Carson and spokeswoman Katrina Pierson. Prior to the service, reporters were barred from speaking with members of the congregation. Trump danced and sang with church members before his brief speech. 

“I fully understand that the African-American community has suffered from discrimination, and that there are many wrongs that must still be made right,” Trump said.  

“I will always support your church, always, and defend your right to worship,” he added. “Christian faith is not the past, but the present and the future.”

Democrat Hillary Clinton’s campaign responded to Trump’s appearance with a post on her website titled, “The facts about Donald Trump’s history of prejudice.”

At the conclusion of his remarks, Trump read a Bible verse and received a prayer shawl from Jackson. More video and reactions below. 

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