Pastor Appointed to Trump’s Hispanic Advisory Board Shocked It’s Just ‘A Scam’

Half of Trump Hispanic Advisors ‘Ready to Resign’ Over Immigration Speech

A Texas Pastor at Waco’s Christ the King Church, Ramiro Peña, two weeks ago was appointed to serve on Donald Trump’s Hispanic Advisory Board, but he’s now distancing himself from the group after the Republican nominee’s hard-core neo-Nazi anti-immigrant speech Wednesday night. Peña, after endorsing Trump on “The Jim Bakker Show,” repeatedly said “that God is using Trump to save the country and will judge America if we don’t elect him president,” Right Wing Watch reports.

Now, Peña has decided he was wrong.

“I am so sorry but I believe Mr. Trump lost the election tonight,” Peña wrote in an email to senior officials at the Trump campaign and the RNC, as Politico reports. “The ‘National Hispanic Advisory Council’ seems to be simply for optics and I do not have the time or energy for a scam,” he charged.

“I will pray over the next couple of days but it is difficult to [imagine] how I can continue to associate with the Trump campaign,” Peña wrote. “I owe my national audience an explanation.”

Peña is far from alone in backing away from Trump.

Another member of Trump’s National Hispanic Advisory Council, Houston attorney Jacob Monty, who “has aggressively made the Latino case for Trump,” Politico adds, “quickly resigned” after Wednesday night’s speech.

“I was a strong supporter of Donald Trump when I believed he was going to address the immigration problem realistically and compassionately,” Monty said. “What I heard today was not realistic and not compassionate.”

Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles president, Alfonso Aguilar, Thursday morning, announced he feels “disappointed and misled,” and took to CNN to say, “I’m withdrawing my support from Donald Trump.”

And as Mediaite notes, “conservative pundit Leslie Sanchez reported that a Hispanic Trump advisor had tipped her off that half of Trump’s Hispanic advisory board was expected to resign.”



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