More Good News for Clinton: New Polls Show She Won Debate in Landslide, Voter Opinion of Trump Worsened

Trump Loses More Ground Among Women, Independents

More than half of voters who watch Monday night’s presidential debate believe Hillary Clinton won, while only one in five voters believe Donald Trump was the winner.

52 percent say the Democratic nominee beat her Republican opponent, just 21 percent say Trump beat Clinton – while 26 percent say neither candidate won. 

The NBC News/Survey Monkey poll also shows 50 percent of Democrats say their opinion of Clinton improved, while only 26 percent of Republicans say their opinion of Trump did. 

Clinton also did better with independents, with 16 percent saying the debate improved their opinion of her. Only nine percent of independents say the debate improved their opinion of Trump. But two out of three independents say the debate did not sway their vote, leaving more work to do among both candidates.

Trump also lost ground during the debate among women, with 27 percent saying their opinion of him worsened. Just 13 percent o women said their opinion of Clinton worsened, while 30 percent said their opinion improved. Trump picked up only 11 percent.

Meanwhile, several actual polls (not online polls that are easily corrupted) released after the debate show Clinton earned a post-debate bounce.

Clinton earned a 2-point bounce in the post-debate head-to-head poll from Morning Consult. An Echelon Insights poll shows Clinton now leading Trump by five points. FiveThirtyEight’s Nate Silver calls them “pretty good news for Clinton,” but says he would “recommend some caution until we get more data.”

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