WATCH: Elizabeth Warren Says Trump Has More Support From KKK Than GOP Leaders

Democratic Senator Excoriates GOP Nominee While Stumping For Clinton In Ohio

Donald Trump is “a twisted bully” and a “selfish lowlife” who has more supporters in the KKK than among GOP leaders, according to Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren. 

Warren ripped into the GOP nominee as only she could during an appearance in Columbus, Ohio, on Saturday, where she was stumping for Democrat Hillary Clinton.

“Donald Trump has repeatedly invited his supporters to commit a horrific act of violence against his opponent,” Warren said, referring to Trump’s remarks on Friday night and in August. “I just want you to think for a minute — what kind of a man does that? A bully, a twisted bully who can’t fight his own fights.

“Donald Trump launched one racist attack after another on President Obama, and only when his handlers tied him down and forced him, did he grudgingly admit that the man was born in the United States of America,” Warren said, referring to his statement in Washington on Friday. “What kind of a man does that? A man with a dark and ugly soul.” 

Watch a clip of Warren attacking Trump above, and her speech in its entirety below. 


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