Tweet of the Day: Donald Trump’s Dangerous Complaint About ‘Freedom of the Press’

Billionaire Who Has Huge Reputation for Suing People Laments First Amendment

Donald Trump minutes ago posted a tweet lamenting America’s First Amendment protections for the press, continuing his charges that the media is unfair to him.

“It is not ‘freedom of the press’ when newspapers and others are allowed to say and write whatever they want even if it is completely false!,” said the billionaire who has a reputation for suing people, and threatening to sue people, and has been involved in thousands of lawsuits. 

This from the man who this week repeatedly said President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are the co-founders of ISIS. 

This from the man who has called for the “Second Amendment people” to stop his Democratic opponent from being able to appoint Supreme Court justices.

This from the man who routinely and repeatedly lies.

And consider the frightening aspect of this one tweet – coupled with Trump’s recent attacks on the media and claims that the media is “dishonest,” he’s not running against Hillary Clinton he’s running against the media, and if America had an honest press he’d be beating his Democratic opponent by 20 percent.

In other words, the Republican nominee for president is running on a campaign to kill the First Amendment.

Yes, Mr. Trump, it is “freedom of the press” to report the news, even if it violates your personal beliefs. You have the right to sue, of course, which is how our system works – and clearly, you’re well-aware of that fact. 

A few more tweets from Trump today:

Donald Trump has repeatedly attacked the press, so much so that it was revealed this week his attacks on NBC News reporter Katy Tur, who has been covering his presidential campaign daily, were so extreme the Secret Service had to protect her from his supporters.

Some responses to Trump’s “freedom of the press” tweet:



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