Trump to Address Hundreds of Evangelical Leaders at Event Linked to Anti-Gay Hate Group

Two-Day Event Falls on Two Month Anniversary of Pulse Terror Attack

Donald Trump on Thursday will address 700 evangelical leaders at a private two-day conference in Florida organized by a group funded by the American Family Association, a certified anti-gay hate group. The event, “Rediscovering God in America,” is organized by David Lane, who runs the American Renewal Project and penned a 2013 op-ed calling for a “war to restore a Christian America.”

Despite his recent claims that he would be the best president for LGBT Americans, Trump has actively courted the religious far right, and has embraced the heads of anti-gay hate groups, like Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council. Perkins helped Trump write the speech he delivered to Liberty University. Trump later won the endorsement of Liberty’s President, Jerry Falwell, Jr.

David Lane told Bloomberg News that Trump’s promise to repeal the Johnson Amendment, which bans churches and other religious organizations from promoting political candidates, lest they lose their tax-exempt status, is a “good first step” in gaining the support of evangelicals.

“Homosexual totalitarianism is out of the closet, the militants are trying herd Christians there,” Lane said, lamenting what the far right sees as attacks on Christians by same-sex couples who want to be treated equally in the marketplace.

“But what about the religious liberty of Christian photographers, Christian bakers, Christian retreat centers, and pastors who believe same-sex intercourse and marriage is sin?,” Lane asked. “These Christians were simply living out their deeply held convictions of their Christian faith when they politely refused to provide services for a same-sex wedding. Doesn’t the First Amendment give us all a right to our beliefs?”

Also speaking at the event, which falls on the two-month anniversary of the anti-gay terror attack on the Pulse nightclub, also in Florida, is Senator Marco Rubio. The failed Republican presidential candidate used the hate crime mass shooting terror attack as an excuse to run for re-election after promising he would not serve another term as Senator.

Right Wing Watch reports other speakers include Mat Staver, head of Liberty Counsel, the Christian law firm that is currently defending Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore and defended Kentucky clerk Kim Davis. Also, pseudo-historian and right wing activist David Barton.

Via The Washington Post:

“Evangelical pastors must move their parishioners into the public square this fall,” Lane said in an interview with The Washington Post. “Staying home is not an option, or transgender bathrooms is just the beginning.”


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Image by Gage Skidmore via Flickr and a CC license

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