New Trump Advisor Repeatedly Lies on CNN: Clinton Wants to Bring in ‘Over 600,000’ Syrian Refugees

Serial Liar Betsy McCaughey, Creator of Obamacare ‘Death Panels’ Lie, Now Lying for Donald Trump

Professional serial liar Betsy McCaughey on Tuesday lied about the number of Syrian refugees Hillary Clinton wants to let into the U.S., lied about remarks made by FBI director James Comey, and even misled CNN viewers about her relationship to the Trump campaign.

Hillary Clinton, McCaughey falsely claimed, “appears to want to be the Angela Merkel of the United States bringing in over 600,000 refugees” from Syria.

In fact, Clinton has stated she wants to increase President Barack Obama’s proposal to allow 10,000 refugees from civil-war-torn Syria, which is experiencing “the worst humanitarian crisis of our time,” to 65,000 – not “over 600,000,” as McCaughey falsely and repeatedly insisted.

McCaughey then implicated FBI Director James Comey in her flagrantly false fabrication, claiming he had “warned that because we cannot properly vet these people, inviting them in, in large numbers, would create what he called in his words, a ‘terrorism diaspora.'”

That is a lie.

What Director Comey was talking about, as The New York Times reported, is that at some point, “victory against the Islamic State could well lead to an uptick of terrorist attacks in the West, not a reduction in them,” the Times says Comey warned last month.

“At some point there is going to be a terrorist diaspora out of Syria like we’ve never seen before,” Comey said last month. “Not all of the Islamic State killers are going to die on the battlefield.”

He was not talking about Syrian refugees at all, nor was he talking about present day.

Later in the segment, former New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn identified McCaughey as a “representative” of the Trump campaign and McCaughey corrected her: “I’m a supporter, I’m not a representative.”

But McCaughey is more than a “supporter.” She was named last week as one of eight women to Trump’s previously all-male council of economic advisors, which means when she speaks on CNN she should be introduced as a representative of the Trump campaign, which she was not. In fact, when CNN’s Alisyn Camerota introduced McCaughey as a “Trump supporter” she asked if McCaughey wanted to add anything to her title and she deceptively said no.

Raw Story’s David Edwards also debunked McCaughey’s claim that “the danger” of allowing Syrian refugees into the country is “rape. When you look at what’s happening across Europe, women and young girls are being gang raped by Syrian and Muslim refugees who claimed it was because these women were scantily dressed.”

It should be noted, too, that other countries have accepted far more refugees from Syria, a nation where 11 million people have been forced to flee. Germany is hosting nearly 750,000. The UK is hosting about 170,000. Citing an Oxfam report, The Guardian last month reported the “six wealthiest countries in the world, which between them account for almost 60% of the global economy, host less than 9% of the world’s refugees.”



Image: Screenshot via Raw Story/YouTube

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