Michele Bachmann Advising Trump on Foreign Policy So God Can Save America from Islam

Former Minnesota Congresswoman Has Said A Hillary Clinton Victory Would Lead to ‘Certain Destruction for the United States’

Here’s a scary thought.

Former Minnesota tea party Congresswoman Michele Bachmann — the wife of ex-gay therapist Marcus Bachmann — says she’s now advising Donald Trump on foreign policy. 

Bachmann, who was already serving on the GOP nominee’s Evangelical Advisory Board, broke the news outside a Trump rally in Minnesota on Friday night, where she called him “a common-sense guy” who’s “not into political correctness.” 

“He also recognizes there is a threat around the world, not just here in Minnesota, of radical Islam,” Bachmann told MPR News. “I wish our President Obama also understood the threat of radical Islam and took it seriously.”

Back in July, Bachmann suggested Trump was ordained by God to save America from Marxism and radical Islamism, according to Right Wing Watch. 

“Barack Obama has advanced Iran’s jihadist dreams to annihilate Israel, the United States and Western Christendom,” Bachmann said. “That’s why I’m just saying the church can’t sit this one out. We may not have a perfect candidate but he may be the one, like the Book of Daniel — the most high God may have lifted up Trump, because very possibly he’s the only one that could defeat Hillary Clinton this fall.”

Bachmann has also accused Clinton of “assisting in jihad,” saying the Democratic nominee and former Secretary of State “has been involved in bringing members of the Muslim Brotherhood here into the United States.”

And Bachmann believes conservatives who stay home on Election Day instead of voting for Trump will “ensure that we will lose the United States of America.” 

“They will ensure that every godless principle there is comes into this country,” Bachmann said, adding that Clinton would be “pro-Islam” and “bring us into a certain destruction for the United States.”

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