Harvard Republican Club Refuses to Endorse Donald Trump

‘He Isn’t Eschewing Political Correctness. He Is Eschewing Basic Human Decency.’

The Harvard Republican Club is refusing to endorse Donald Trump for president. This is the first time the organization of college Republicans at the prestigious Ivy League university has not endorsed the Republican candidate for president since it was founded 128 years ago, in 1888.

Denouncing Trump’s views as “antithetical to our values not only as Republicans, but as Americans,” the organization released a statement on Facebook saying the “rhetoric he espouses –from racist slander to misogynistic taunts– is not consistent with our conservative principles.” They classify “his repeated mocking of the disabled and belittling of the sacrifices made by prisoners of war, Gold Star families, and Purple Heart recipients” as “not only bad politics, but absurdly cruel.”

After attacking Trump’s platform as dangerous to “security both at home and abroad,” the group says the billionaire businessman’s “protectionist trade policies and draconian immigration restrictions would enlarge our federal deficit, raise prices for consumers, and throw our economy back into recession.”

Calling Trump a “a threat to the survival of the Republic,” they warn of his “global outlook, steeped in isolationism,” and add his “foreign policy would wreak havoc on the established world order which has held aggressive foreign powers in check since World War II.”

Trump lies in a manner more brazen and shameless than anything politics has ever seen.”

The GOP students’ group says Ronald Reagan “would be ashamed of Donald Trump. We are too.”


Images via Facebook

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