Clinton Massacres Trump in Just-Released CNN Poll

Huge Post Convention Bump Is 12 Points

Hillary Clinton right now is leading Donald Trump by a massive 9-point lead, after reversing a pre-convention loss by gaining a 12-point post-Democratic National Convention bump.

Right now, according to a just-released CNN poll, Clinton beats Trump 52-43, once again putting her not only ahead of the Republican nominee, but in the majority.

The previous CNN poll, taken one week earlier, and post GOP convention, had Clinton losing to Trump 45-48.

This is the highest Clinton’s been since the end of April, when she was leading Trump 54-41.

In other good news for Democrats the new CNN poll shows more Clinton voters have made up their mind: 44%, which was 39% just one week ago. By comparison, the arrow points the other way for Trump: one week ago, Trump voters who had made up their mind were at 40%, now they are at 36%.

And, again, even more good news for Clinton.

Clinton voters asked at the end of April if their vote represented a vote for Clinton or against Trump, 51% acknowledged it was a vote against Trump. Now, 58% say it’s straight up a vote for Clinton.

Clinton’s favorable/unfavorable ratings surged past Trump’s in this latest poll as well. Now, 42% view her favorably, with 53% viewing her unfavorably. 

By comparison, a whopping 61% view Trump unfavorably, and just one in three voters – 33% – view Trump favorably. 

And more:


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