Anti-Gay GOP Rep. Tim Huelskamp Just Lost His Primary and the Left and the Right Are Celebrating!

Tea Party Republican Rated One of the Most Conservative in Congress Had Waged War on Gays

Three term Republican Rep. Tim Huelskamp of Kansas Tuesday night lost his primary race in a landslide – 57 to 43 – to a political novice, an obstetrician backed by the Chamber of Commerce and the Washington, D.C. establishment. Huelskamp, one of the most conservative – and cantankerous – Republicans, was loathed by progressives and Democrats for his extremist anti-LGBT, and anti-immigrant positions and actions.

Last year, Huelskamp claimed same-sex marriage harms the economy. The year prior he voted against giving spouses of veterans in same-sex marriages benefits equal to those of spouses of veterans in different-sex marriages.

Days after the Supreme Court struck down DOMA in 2013, Huelskamp introduced a bill proposing an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would forever ban same-sex marriage across the nation. Earlier that year the Kansas Tea Party Republican wrote in an op-ed that same-sex marriage would further “the destruction of the family.”

He has said abortion is slavery, and called Planned Parenthood racist. On his federal government website Huelskamp lied, falsely stating Obamacare is “unconstitutional.”

The New York Times notes Huelskamp was booted from the House Agriculture Committee by Speaker John Boehner, whom he regularly criticized.

“Getting kicked off the Agriculture Committee is a crime that can’t be forgiven,” Brian Scheideman, a 52-year-old driver’s education instructor, said after voting for Mr. Marshall in Wamego, The Associated Press reported. “I don’t mind the independent voice, but you’ve got to figure out how to work with people.”

And the left and the right, albeit for different reasons, are celebrating.

Crooks and Liars Managing Editor Karoli Kuns:

Joe.My.God. today notes “Huelskamp appeared alongside Ted Shoebat and Porno Pete in Janet Porter’s anti-LGBT documentary. In 2014 the Human Rights Campaign named him to their Hall Of Shame.” Towleroad’s Andy Towle put it more succinctly: “The loser can try to work full time for NOM now.”

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Image by Gage Skidmore via Flickr and a CC license

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