‘Stop Lying!’: Former Mexican President Hits Back After Trump Says He Invited Him Too

‘I Invited You to Come and Apologize to All Mexicans’

Vicente Fox is accusing Donald Trump of lying after the former Mexican president apologized for his successor inviting the GOP nominee to meet with him. Trump is flying to Mexico City this afternoon for a brief private meeting with President Enrique Peña Nieto, before delivering a speech on immigration Wednesday afternoon.

Trump lashed out at Fox Wednesday morning via Twitter:

Fox was quick to hit back, telling Trump to “stop lying!”

Earlier Wednesday morning, Fox told CNN, “I really apologize for our president” for inviting Trump and agreeing to meet with him. 

“Trump is using Mexico, is using President Peña to push his sinking poll numbers,” Fox added. Peña has a 23% approval rating.

Fox also posted a tweet (click to view translation) saying, “Mexico does not want” Trump.

And another one, saying, “There is no turning back, Trump, your offenses towards Mexicans, Muslims and more, have led you to the pit where you are today. Goodbye, Trump!”


Twitter Mocks Trump as News Breaks He May Fly to Meet With Mexican President

Former Mexican President: ‘I Apologize for Our President’ Inviting Trump to Mexico (Video)


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