Tweet of the Day: Hillary Clinton Slams Donald Trump Over White Supremacist

Once Again KKK Cozies Up to Trump

Donald Trump earlier this year live on national television refused to denounce white supremacist David Duke or the KKK, saying he needed time to learn more about them. 

Duke, now running for a U.S. Senate seat from Louisiana, touted the possibility on Monday that Trump would be supporting his campaign. The white supremacist told radio listeners, according to The New York Times, that “Trump did ‘as much as he could’ in a weekend interview to suggest that he could back” Duke.

The Times reports the Trump campaign “is dismissing questions about the white supremacist David Duke,” after reaching out to the campaign asking if Trump would be supporting Duke as claimed.

“Mr. Trump has disavowed David Duke and will continue to do so,” a Trump spokesperson responded.

The Times adds:

When Mr. Trump was asked Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” if he would support a Democrat over Mr. Duke in the general election, he replied: “I guess depending on who the Democrat is, but the answer would be yes. Look, the answer is as quick as you can say it — in fact, I want to answer you before you — because last time with another person in your position, I did it very quickly and they said he didn’t do it fast enough. Rebuked.”

On his radio program on Monday, Mr. Duke said that Mr. Trump was asked, “‘Would you vote for a Democrat against David Duke’ and Trump says, ‘Well, I guess it depends who the Democrat will be so the answer is yes.’”

He added: “You know, like maybe if there’s a good Democrat. But that’s not the answer they wanted and the headlines there were all over the place. You know, Trump basically said he could possibly vote, he could vote for David Duke if he was running against a liberal Democrat. So he did something. I think he felt like he did as much as he could do.”

Hillary Clinton jumped on the news, posting a tweet pointing out that “On most campaigns, there isn’t much ambiguity as to whether the candidate does or doesn’t back KKK leaders.”



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