Trump Gets Push Back for Claiming It’s ‘Good News’ Melania’s Plagiarism Led to ‘More Publicity’

Hours Before He Will Accept Nomination Trump Tries to Spin His Disaster

Donald Trump was so angry that the media quickly realized his own wife plagiarized her speech to the Republican National Convention Monday night instead of sticking to his schedule he flew home to New York City after the news broke. His campaign spent the past 36 hours lying about what plagiarism is, instead of admitting the mistake and letting the topic dissolve.

Minutes ago, and just hours before he is set to officially accept the Republican Party’s nomination for president, Trump took to Twitter to try to spin the disaster that has been his wife’s speech and the GOP convention.

The Republican nominee called it “good news” that her plagiarism led to more (free) publicity than any other speech, presumably of a candidate’s spouse.

But clearly still angered, Trump could not help but follow up that tweet with thinly-veiled contempt for the mainstream media he so hates:

Twitter immediately reacted, denouncing Trump’s tweets:


Image by The Hive via Twitter

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