Trump Admits Under Oath He Didn’t Think About Effects His ‘Mexican Rapists’ Comments Would Have

Under Oath GOP Presidential Nominee Shows Zero Forethought for Consequences of His Actions

In testimony given under oath last month Donald Trump revealed two startling details about his presidential candidacy launch and about what a Donald Trump presidency would look like.

The brash billionaire admitted that his comments painting Mexican immigrants as “rapists” and drug dealers were unscripted but planned, and he admitted he did not give any consideration to how they would be received, especially by his tenants and or those working with him on future projects.

“Did you give any thoughts to the effect that your statement relative to Mexicans and immigrants would have on tenants in your current or future projects?” the attorney for celebrity chef Geoffrey Zakarian asked Trump under oath. Trump is suing Zakarian for $14 million after the famous “Iron Chef” celebrity and restauranteur pulled out of a Washington, D.C. restaurant deal.

“No, No, I didn’t. I didn’t at all,” Trump told Zakarian attorney Deborah Baum, Politico reports.

Also startling were Trump’s daughter’s remarks in her deposition. Ivanka Trump serves as Executive Vice President of Development and Acquisitions for the Trump Organization.

We had to enforce our rights,” Ivanka Trump said when asked why they decided to sue Zakarian. “I think it was just the natural — a natural conclusion when he failed to honor his contract.”

It’s logical to believe Trump as president would continue to use the law to attack his opponents or those who disagree with him. In fact, Washington Post libertarian/conservative opinion blog “The Volokh Conspiracy” last week imagined a Donald Trump Justice Department, and concluded:

“In short, if you aren’t scared, you aren’t paying attention. A fascist thug has won the GOP nomination and now has a very good shot of becoming president of the United States. And he hasn’t run in sheep’s clothing. As Justice Antonin Scalia would say, this wolf comes as a wolf.”


Image by Gage Skidmore via Flickr and a CC license

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