Sarah Silverman: ‘To the Bernie or Bust People, You’re Being Ridiculous’ (Video)

Diehard Sanders Supporter Chastises Sanders Supporters

Comedian Sarah Silverman, a die-hard Bernie Sanders supporter and surrogate, delivered a very heartfelt speech asking fellow Sanders supporters to embrace the Vermont Senator’s ideals but to vote for Hillary Clinton to help enact them.

After her speech, which she delivered in tandem with Senator Al Franken – a Hillary Clinton supporter and former comedian – some in the crowd chanted, “Bernie! Bernie Bernie!,” and booed her. Silverman, never one to observe common norms, chastised them.

“Can I just say, to the Bernie or bust people, you’re being ridiculous,” Silverman told them.

The rest of the crowd erupted in cheers.

Silverman then quipped,  “Thank God they can fix this in post,” meaning post-production, pretending her speech wasn’t delivered live.

Earlier in her speech, Silverman said, “I am proud to be a part of Bernie’s movement, and a vital part of that is making sure Hillary is next president!”

“Not only did Bernie wake us up” to the evils of Citizens United Silverman said, “he made us understand what is possible and what we deserve.” Among those possibilities: “all Americans deserve quality healthcare and education, not just the wealthy elites.”

“That sounds so obvious, who wouldn’t agree with that?” Silverman continued, saying she “believes that people who weren’t born with the same opportunities as you and me should be given the same opportunities as you and me — and all it takes to accomplish this is everyone, all of us.”

“Or, as one pretty kick-ass woman once said, ‘it takes a village,’” the comedian said, quoting Hillary Clinton.

“Hillary is our Democratic nominee and I will proudly vote for her,” she said.


On MSNBC Eugene Robinson said Silverman’s “could have been the most important speech of the evening.”

Full Video, Transcript




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