Full GOP Platform Committee Approves Amendment Defining Marriage as ‘Union of One Man and One Woman’

Republican National Committee Take Giant Step Backwards on LGBT Civil Rights

The full 2016 Republican Platform Committee has just passed an amendment redefining marriage as only the union of a man and a woman. The RNC platform committee is meeting this week in Cleveland, and earlier Monday a subcommittee expected to vote to make marriage a states’ rights issue opted instead to keep its longstanding call for a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage. Just now, the full platform committee voted to include a platform making marriage the union of one man and one woman, only. 

Of course, the US Supreme Court has ruling in favor of marriage equality, so try as hard as they may, the RNC will not overturn Obergefell without taking the White House and stacking the court with conservatives who wish to do so.

Earlier Monday morning subcommittees voted for amendments that call for to the Bible being taught in schools, for transgender people to use the restroom of the gender they were assigned at birth, voted to keep a call for a ban on same-sex marriage in their 2016 national platform, and voted to support anti-LGBT conversion therapy.


Image by Sean Spicer via Twitter 

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