Clinton Campaign Tweets Video Highlighting Mike Pence’s Anti-LGBT, Anti-Women Actions

‘Most Extreme Vice Presidential Pick in a Generation’

Minutes after Donald Trump made his choice of Mike Pence as his vice presidential running mate official – via a tweet – the Clinton campaign released a video and separately an article detailing the Indiana conservative governor’s actions and positions. 

“Trump has chosen the most extreme vice presidential pick in a generation,” Clinton’s website states. A attack ad against Pence notes his disastrous choice to sign Indiana’s “religious freedom” bill into law, which, as the video notes, led to boycotts of the state and cost the city of Indianapolis $60 million.

It also notes Pence was willing to shut down the federal government when he was in Congress in an effort to defund Planned Parenthood. And it shows him saying, “I long for the day that Roe v. Wade is sent to the ash heap of history,” and, stunningly, “The American people don’t want comprehensive immigration reform.”

The video closes by saying Trump and Pence are “building a great big beautiful wall between the American people and progress.”

On the Clinton website, a piece titled, “5 things every voter in America needs to know about Mike Pence, Donald Trump’s new running mate,” details these points:

1. He led efforts to defund Planned Parenthood nationwide.

2. He’d totally outlaw abortion.

3. He signed a law allowing discrimination against LGBT people.

4. He opposes comprehensive immigration reform.

5. He cut millions out of Indiana’s higher education budget to pay for corporate tax cuts.

But that’s not all there is to know about Mike Pence. Here’s more: Ten Times Mike Pence Worked to Defeat the LGBT Community


Image: Screenshot via Hillary Clinton/Twitter

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