Cruz Says Trump Saw His Speech Before He Delivered It, Says He’s Not Voting for Clinton

Texas Senator Sends Extremely Mixed Messages

Hours after telling delegates at the Republican National Convention, “vote your conscience” instead of endorsing Donald Trump, and getting booed for it, Ted Cruz minutes ago told members of the Texas delegation that he is not voting for Hillary Clinton, and is voting for the only candidate who will defend the Constitution.

He also told delegates, “I am not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my father”

Cruz has not directly said he will endorse Donald Trump, nor did he said anything against Trump directly. Stunningly, he also confirmed what Trump had tweeted last night, that the Trump campaign saw his speech hours before and knew there was no endorsement coming.

That the Trump campaign knew there would be no endorsement from Cruz, and let him upstage their vice presidential nominee Mike Pence, is further evidence of what a total disaster this convention has been.



Breaking: Ted Cruz Refuses to Endorse Donald Trump, Gets Booed at GOP Convention

NY Daily News Front Page: ‘CIVIL WAR’ at GOP National Convention After Cruz Refuses to Endorse Trump

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