‘You Are Dead to Me Now’: Some Upset Over Sanders Endorsement of Clinton, Others See Bigger Picture

Passionate Bernie Sanders Supporters Share Feelings of Hurt and Betrayal on Facebook

As Bernie Sanders took the stage with Hillary Clinton to announce she had won the Democratic nomination process and he was offering his full endorsement, some supporters of the Vermont Senator visited his Facebook page to share their feelings of hurt, betrayal, upset, shock, and dismay.

“You are dead to me now,” wrote one. “I can’t believe all the money, time, effort I gave to you. Now, I will be throwing all my support behind Jill Stein. She will never betray me. And her values will never waiver.”

“You’re as much of a sellout as any of the corporate Dems before you,” wrote another.

“You fucked us,” reads another post.

“Who did they threaten in his family to make him fold like this?!,” asked another.

“Can I have my donations back? This is bullshit.”

“You make me sick dude.”

“GYF Sanders,” wrote another. “I’m unfollowing you, unfriending you and I’d like my $500 in campaign contributions back, you sell-out.”

Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight today reports there may be over a million Sanders die-hards who are thinking of voting third party now. 

EARLIER: After Endorsing Clinton, Sanders Writes Letter Telling Supporters He Knows Some Are ‘Disappointed’

“Roughly 1 in 5 Sanders supporters say they are going to vote for a third-party candidate,” FiveThirtyEight reports. “If Sanders throws his full weight behind Clinton’s candidacy combined with the tendency, at least historically, of voters abandoning third-party candidates as Election Day approaches, it’s not difficult to imagine Clinton could net well over a million votes. If the election ends up being close, Sanders’s help to Clinton could be the difference between her winning and losing.”

Here’s a sampling of some of those now-former Sanders supporters expressing their anger and hurt on his Facebook page today, followed by a few who see a different picture. 


Some had a more nuanced response, taking a different approach to what’s at stake:


Image via Facebook

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