Orlando Terror Attack: Donald Trump Calls For President Obama to Resign

Donald Trump Delighted in Today’s Tragedy, Did Not Mention the LGBT Community Once

Republican presumptive presidential nominee Donald Trump spent much of his day on Twitter, congratulating himself for calling for a complete ban on Muslims entering America, after 50 people were shot to death and another 53 were injured in the deadliest terror attack and mass shooting since 9/11. The suspect, 29-year old, Omar Mir Seddique Mateen, had reportedly called 911 to declare his allegiance to ISIS, but was a U.S. citizen born in New York.

Even though this terror attack was a massive hate crime massacre targeting gay people, not once has the billionaire Republican mentioned the important detail or offered condolences to the LGBT community.

Trump at one point called for President Barack Obama to resign, tweeting as the President addressed the nation 12 hours after the terror attack had begun. It’s unclear how not saying the words “radical Islamic terrorism” is worthy of such a call:

With zero legitimate information, Trump Sunday morning just after 8 AM EDT had tweeted the attack was “possible terrorism,” even there were no facts at the time to support that claim:

An hour and a half later he turned his attacks on Hillary Clinton:

He then congratulated himself “for being right on radical Islamic terrorism”:

Trump then reminded his supporters of his call for a ban on all Muslims entering the county.

He did not remind them that just a few weeks ago he said his idea for a ban was only a “suggestion.”



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Image by Gage Skidmore via Flickr and a CC license

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