Hillary Clinton Just Totally Trolled Donald Trump on Twitter

Billionaire Businessman’s Social Media Game Needs an Upgrade

Hillary Clinton just beat Donald Trump at his own game – Twitter. 

The GOP presumptive nominee is desperate to raise cash after it was just revealed his presidential campaign has only about $1 million on hand and Clinton has over $42 million on hand. So Trump took a stab at Clinton, tweeting an ad for Trump tee shirts with the claim, “I’m With You.”

It was, at best an attempt to be clever, erasing the “Her” from Clinton campaign’s iconic “I’m With Her,” aka, #ImWithHer, nd inserting “You.”

Secretary Clinton, totally, expertly trolling Trump, pulled a “There, I fixed that for you,” posting this tweet:

Here’s a better shot:

Well-played, Madam Secretary, well-played.

Some responses via Twitter:




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