Franklin Graham Hails Brexit Because, the Anti-Christ

When You’re a Hammer, Everything Looks Like a Nail

Franklin Graham manages to see biblical prophesy everywhere he goes, in every world event. In Brexit, the disastrous, xenophobic, ultra-nationalistic vote by the British to leave the European Union, Graham hails it as a setback for the anti-Christ, and reveals his anti-immigrant beliefs to boot.

“It’s historic,” Graham wrote on Facebook Friday. “Last night the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union.”

“With the breakdown of immigration laws and economies, millions of Europeans feel that their politicians have failed them. Boris Johnson, one of UK’s most popular leaders of the #‎Brexit movement hailed the results as a ‘glorious opportunity,'” he writes. Johnson, it should be noted, is being compared to Donald Trump, but smart.

Adding that it’s unclear what the Brexit “vote means long-term,” Graham says, “I know that this is at least a temporary setback for the politicians in this country and around the world who want a one-world government and a one-world currency.”

Of course, no one has been calling for or planning a “one-world government and a one-world currency” – it’s the realm of Alex Jones conspiracy nuts who think world leaders meet at Bilderberg to plot a take-over of the world. And, of course, bible-prophesy believers.

“The Bible speaks that one day this will take place,” Graham insists. The Bible can be used to predict practically anything, of course, but supposedly a “one world government,” will be headed by the Anti-Christ.

“Join me in praying for all of those impacted and that Europe’s leaders, as well as our leaders in the United States, will look to Almighty God for wisdom and discernment in these trying and complex times in which we live,” he concluded.



Donald Trump: Brexit Is Obama’s Fault (Video)

Brexit: Fox News Reports UK Votes to Leave UN

Britain Votes to Leave European Union: What Does It Mean for US?


Image via Facebook

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