WATCH: New Jehovah’s Witness Cartoon Targets Young Children With Vile Anti-Gay Message

“People can change,” a mother tells her daughter after comparing same-sex marriage to a criminal trying to smuggle weapons on a plane in a new cartoon released on the official Jehovah’s Witnesses website.

The official website for Jehovah’s Witnesses just released a short cartoon video with the purposes of teaching kids that same-sex marriage is wrong. The video propaganda is disturbing on so many levels. Not only does it push a view that marriage between two loving people of the same gender is wrong, but it also teaches kids that they should actively speak out against it and try to convert others to turn away from the “homosexual lifestyle.”

In the video, a little girl tells her mom about one of her classmates drawing a family picture with two mommies. She then says that her teacher told her all that matters is that people love each other and that they’re happy. The mom is the video gives a disapproving “hmmmmm” and tells the girls that, “people have their own ideas about what is right and wrong, but what matters is how Jehovah feels.”

Later in the video, a man is shown setting off a metal detector in an airport while the mom absurdly compares same-sex marriage to a person trying to bring something on an airplane that is not “allowed.” The language is chosen carefully here to make the scenario seem innocent and not hateful, but do you know what items set off metal detectors and are also “not allowed” on airplanes? Here are a few items listed on the TSA website: knives, explosives, guns, swords, razors, hatchets, saws, screwdrivers, etc. Is this children’s video seriously comparing same-sex marriage to a criminal trying to smuggle weapons on a plane?

Micah Sumner, an ex-Jehovah’s Witness from Escondido, California was disgusted after he saw the video.

“Those videos are aimed at very small children so its obvious they wish to brainwash them from the youngest age possible,” Sumner told the New Civil Rights Movement. “It’s disgusting to fill a child’s mind with messages of hate and death because ultimately that’s what they teach; you must live the way we interpret the Bible or Jehovah will destroy you. I got so sick and tired of believing that everyone outside of the cult was bad and deserving of death. They’re being brainwashed to believe that God will KILL people because they are gay and that is just wrong. What choice does that leave the child to determine who is a good/bad person for themselves?”

The brainwashing is definitely prevalent in the anti-gay cartoon. After comparing marriage equality to a person setting off a metal detector with sirens blaring, the tone then switches to a scene with nice calming music, a beautiful nature environment, and the mom talking in a calming voice about how Jehovah “wants us to be his friend and live in paradise forever!”

The little girl’s mom continues to explain that to get to paradise, “Jehovah says we have to leave some things behind. That means anything Jehovah doesn’t approve of.” This statement implies that the girl’s classmate has to leave her two moms if she wants to get into paradise. So, not only does this video compare LGBT people to criminals, it also implies that children should try to leave their parents if their parents are in a same-sex relationship. This message is damaging to children and implies that even if they are flourishing in their home environment, their families are not good enough if they have two moms or two dads.

To the Jehovah’s Witnesses out there, hiding their sexual orientation and/or gender identity, Sumner encourages them to research their religion. “Once you know the truth about the religion and its history that they’ve hidden from the members you will finally break the shackles of fear and guilt and be who you really are,” he said. “There is a warm and welcoming non-judgmental community of ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses ready to support any and all who escape.”

Sumner encourages people to go to Jwfacts.com and jwsurvey.org to learn more about what he says is a cult and not a religion.

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