Clinton-Sanders 2016? Sanders Was Just Asked and Didn’t Rule It Out. (Video)

Is There a Chance the Two Candidates Could Join Together on the Same Democratic Ticket?

Will America see a Clinton-Sanders 2016 ticket? Bernie Sanders was asked that question today on ABC News’ “This Week,” and he didn’t rule it out.

“Are you hoping to be considered if Secretary Clinton’s running mate?,” was George Stephanopoulos’ final question to Senator Sanders Sunday morning.

“It’s a little bit early to talk about that. Right now, our function is to do everything I can, George. And you’re going to see me running all over California; we’re in New Mexico now. We’re going to do everything that we can to get every vote and every delegate that we can and go into that convention with as much momentum as is possible,” Sanders replied.

“Didn’t hear a no. Senator, we’ll be talking to you soon. Take care,” Stephanopoulos pointed out.

Could Democrats see a Clinton-Sanders ticket?

International Business Times just published an article Sunday afternoon, “Clinton-Sanders ticket could happen.”

Calling Senator Sanders’ “chances of capturing the Democratic presidential nomination virtually nil,” the IBT article also notes he “declined to rule out accepting an offer to be Hillary Clinton’s running mate.”

Clinton and Democratic leaders have called on Sanders to fold his campaign and throw his support to Clinton,” IBT states. “But the Vermont independent on Sunday showed no inclination to do so, saying on CNN’s ‘State of the Union’ his campaign has been driving voter turnout and attracting voters who don’t like the candidates from either of the main parties.”

On Twitter, some are beginning to talk about the possibility of a Clinton-Sanders ticket:


Images: Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, by Gage Skidmore via Flickr and a CC license

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