UPDATING: Oklahoma Gov. Vetoes Bill Outlawing All Abortion – But Only Because It Was Too ‘Vague’

Republican Breaks Streak of Signing Every Anti-Choice Bill Sent to Her Desk

Governor Mary Fallin has just vetoed a bill that would have made abortion illegal in the state of Oklahoma. The anti-abortion Republican broke her streak of signing literally every single anti-choice bill sent to her desk. This bill, which was passed on Thursday, would have classified any abortion procedure as a felony and provided up to three years in jail if convicted.

Fallin did not veto the measure because it outlawed abortion, however. Ignoring that the Supreme Court has already ruled on the matter and it would have immediately been challenged and struck down as unconstitutional, Fallin said the measure was too “vague.”

Gov. Fallin vetoed the bill, saying it “is so ambiguous and so vague that doctors cannot be certain what medical circumstances would be considered ‘necessary to preserve the life of the mother,'” she said, according to CNN.

Fallin is widely considered to be a possible vice presidential candidate to run with Donald Trump.

Also in Oklahoma yesterday:
Bill Lets Students Cite ‘Sincerely Held Religious Beliefs’ to Not Share Restrooms With Trans Kids
Oklahoma Bill Calls for Impeachment of President Barack Obama for Protecting Transgender Students

The hard core conservative governor has been under fire the past 24 hours after a scathing grand jury report found egregious errors in Oklahoma executions last year. She may have timed the veto to change the narrative. 

The legislature can override the veto with a two-thirds majority. 

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