#BernieLostMe Is Trending on Twitter

Does The Bernie Sanders’ Campaign Seems to Be Losing Support?

Is the Bernie Sanders campaign in trouble? The “Nevada Dustup,” which is what the mainstream media is calling the altercations, booing, chair-throwing, and subsequent death threats against that state’s Democratic Party Chair, people more and more seem to feel comfortable criticizing the Sanders’ campaign.

Nevada Democratic Party Files Complaint Against Conduct of Sanders’ Supporters and Campaign
Sanders Responds to Charges: ‘The Political World Is Changing’

Even Sanders supporters have publicly acknowledged not only do they think the race is over and he should pull out, but they indicate they no longer support the campaign because its tone has changed so dramatically, and because of his response to the charges that supporters made ugly, vicious, misogynistic attacks and death threats.

As I write this, right now on Twitter, the hashtag #BernieLostMe is trending:


 A few examples:

Not all, of course, are from former Sanders supporters. Some are, as is typical on social media, mocking those who are voicing their concerns and dismay.

But that’s not the only indication there’s growing frustration with the Sanders’ campaign. Tuesday night, liberal political strategist and writer Jason Karsh went on a 26-tweet rant (archive here) about the state of the Sanders’ campaign and the Sanders response to the Nevada Democratic Party’s charges. A few examples:

Now, outside of Twitter, equally tough going in the press. A few headlines from today:


Bustle: Bernie Sanders Selfishly Made That Roberta Lange Incident All About Himself

Washington Post: Why the Sanders movement is just about dead

Time: I Felt the Bern But the Bros Are Extinguishing the Flames

Vox: Bernie Sanders can’t denounce his supporters. They’re his leverage against the Democrats.

Washington Post: Will Bernie Sanders burn it all down?

Observer: Intimidation: The Only Thing Bernie Sanders’ Supporters Actually Do Well

Chicago Tribune: Bernie Sanders supporters are hurting Democratic Party, helping Donald Trump

Just how “loudly” is the #BernieLostMe Twitter trend?

An hour ago:



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