WATCH: Seth Meyers Decimates Donald Trump’s Claims About a ‘Rigged’ Delegate System

Proves Trump’s Candidacy Built on False Claims

“The system, folks, is rigged,” Donald Trump told supporters Monday in Albany, New York. “It’s a rigged, disgusting, dirty system.” CNN reports that on Sunday “he referred to the party’s nominating process as ‘crooked’ or ‘corrupt’ seven times during his speech.”

Trump has built his candidacy on the claim that he has common sense, is a great manager, is very smart, and even, that he has a “very good brain.” In “man on the street” interviews with Trump supporters, they often point to those claims, saying Trump is a great businessman so they have confidence he will do a great job managing the federal government.

Seth Meyers on his “Late Night” show Wednesday decimated those claims, along with Trump’s recent attacks on the GOP delegate system.

Sure, America’s political party system is insane. How two entities got control of our political process is a great question – for another time.

You can’t claim to be a great manager, a great businessman, a great negotiator, a great everything, then fail at the most important part about running for president: getting delegates who will vote for you, as Meyers explained.

“Ever since Donald Trump declared his candidacy, there has been one thing above all else that he and his supporters say is his greatest qualification,” Meyers said. “That’s right, Donald Trump knows how to run things, like casinos into the ground. But there’s least one thing that Trump has proven he can’t run and that’s his own delegate operation.”

“Now, this is complicated, but basically when you win a primary, you get delegates to the GOP convention. But you need people to serve as those delegates. In addition to that, a few states – like Colorado – don’t even hold primaries, they hold local and statewide conventions where they choose those delegates directly. Getting those delegates requires a strong organization on the ground and so far Trump has been very, very bad at this.”

It’s not that the system is rigged, as much as there are rules and, yes, a system. And the right’s ridiculous desire to back a novice to be their frontrunner has its costs. One of the first rules of business is surround yourself with people who know what needs to be done and who know what they’re doing. Trump believed the hype, didn’t do his job, and now is blaming everyone else for problems of his own creation.

“Yet, in spite of his ‘very good brain,’ Trump’s campaign has made some of the dumbest mistakes ever in his delegate recruitment efforts. For example, the state of Washington has’t held its primary yet, but the campaigns still need to recruit people to serve as delegates there. Because even if Trump wins the Washington primary, those delegates can vote for whoever they want to on the second ballot of a contested GOP convention.”

Turns out, Trump sent an email looking for Washington State delegates – two days after the deadline, and to people in Washington, D.C.

So much for being a great manager.



Image: Screenshot via Late Night with Seth Meyers/YouTube
Transcript via Alternet


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