WATCH: Harlem Hate Pastor Tells LGBT Homeless Youth Shelter to ‘Go to Hell’

Shelter Is Raising Funds to Buy Anti-Gay Church at Auction Over Unpaid Bills

Dr. James David Manning says the Ali Forney Center can “go to hell.” The man the internet has dubbed the “Harlem Hate Pastor,” the “Starbucks Semen Pastor,” and the “Homophobic Harlem Pastor,” is in the middle of a decades-long fight against the City of New York over unpaid water bills and other fines totaling, as the MSNBC documentary below reports, “more than $1 million.”

Manning’s ATLAH church in Harlem reportedly will go up for auction if a last-ditch effort to have it declared exempt from those unpaid bills and fines proves unsuccessful.

The top contender for the historic space is the Ali Forney Center, a non-profit that works to help homeless LGBTQ youth and teens.

“Since AFC’s launch with just 6 beds in a church basement, the organization has grown to become the largest agency dedicated to LGBTQ homeless youth in the country — assisting nearly 1,400 youth per year through 10 housing sites and a multi-purpose Drop-In Center,” its website says. “Our mission is to provide LGBTQ young people housing and a continuum of supportive services to help them thrive and prepare them for independent living.”

Manning’s mission, however, seems in dark contrast to that. He uses the illegal billboard sign on his church to regularly attack LGBT people, and uses his religion as a sword to do so.

Jesus would stone homos“ was the first sign that drew national attention – and outrage. 

All churches & members that support homos cursed be thou with cancer HIV syphilis stroke madness itch then hell,” was another. “When the homos bullied the poor and needy in Sodom like they do in Harlem, Jesus fire and brim-stoned them,” yet another.

Publicly, Manning has also claimed his local Harlem Starbucks is ground zero for Ebola because they add the semen of “sodomites” to add special flavor to their lattes.

He tells MSNBC in a short documentary published today that his “church is not going anywhere.”

“Who said so? Because faggots want to buy it? I believe that before this building is ever inhabited by any sodomite homosexual faggot group that men will be carrying babies in their balls and giving birth out of their assholes before this building will ever be used by faggots.”

Asked by MSNC if he has a message for the Ali Forney Center, Pastor Manning responds, “Go to hell. And do it now. I would tell them to kiss my ass but they would like that.”

Ali Forney Center founder Carl Siciliano says for Manning to be “calling for violence against our community” is “not a joke to us.”

“That’s very serious,” he says. “Our young people are frightened all the time of the risk of violence that they face in the streets.”



Image: Screenshot via MSNBC/YouTube
Hat tip: Towleroad


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