Petition to Remove Donald Trump’s Star From Hollywood Walk of Fame Nears 14,000

Calls Trump’s Presence on Historic Landmark ‘An Insult’ to Hollywood Stars

Nearly 14,000 have signed a petition calling for Donald Trump‘s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame to be removed. The star, installed in 2007, cost Trump or one of his supporters $30,000, but the petition notes it’s also costing the Hollywood Historic Trust a lot because people keep defacing it.

Everything from spray paint to spit to feces has shown up on his star in the last few months,” the petition argues. “One person spray painted a mute symbol over the star, another put a large swastika. Humans have peed on it, pet owners have let their dogs poop on it, and many passerby spit at it. The message is clear: the public does not approve of Trump or the fact that he has a Hollywood Star.”

It also notes Trump “has been spawning hateful, sexist and racist rhetoric since the beginning of his campaign.”

But chances are slim Trump’s star will be gone any time soon.

“The Hollywood Walk of Fame is a registered historic landmark,” President Leron Gubler told CNN in a statement, The Hill reports. “Once a star has been added to the Walk, it is considered a part of the historic fabric of the Hollywood Fame. Because of this, we have never removed a star from the Walk.” 

Right now, the Trump star is getting “mixed reactions”:


Image: Screenshot via CNN/YouTube

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