If You Haven’t Yet Seen This Disgusting Post and Comments From ESPN’s Curt Schilling You Need to Now

Former Major League Baseball Pitcher Curt Schilling Should Have Been Fired Already – What’s Taking ESPN So Long?

Curt Schilling, once a Major League Baseball great and respected ESPN analyst on Monday shared on Facebook a despicable transphobic meme. It reads: “Let him in! To the restroom with your daughter or else you’re a narrow minded, judgmental, unloving, racist bigot who needs to die!!!”

This is the meme that Schilling saw worth his time to not only share, but comment on, and comment supportively on, which Outsports posted to Twitter:

Schilling claims he “only” commented on the meme, and didn’t post it, but Outsports’ Cyd Zeigler, who originally reported the news, has a screenshot from Schilling’s Facebook page that shows otherwise, as does USA Today.

Not surprisingly, Schilling is virulently defending his comments, and his anti-trans position, as well.

“A man is a man no matter what they call themselves,” he wrote on the above meme, as Outsports and ThinkProgress documented. “I don’t care what they are, who they sleep with, men’s room was designed for the penis, women’s not so much. Now you need laws telling us differently? Pathetic.”

That wasn’t the end.

On his “Official Blog,” Schilling, who is 49, wrote a post to “all of you out there who are just dying to be offended so you can create some sort of faux cause to rally behind,” insisting all he did was make “a comment about the basic functionality of mens and womens restrooms, period.”

Six months ago, Schilling was suspended, briefly, for a tweet comparing Muslim extremists to Nazis. In his same blog post he defended that tweet too. He attacked those offended by it as “gutless cowards” and called it the “meme that some of you clowns and more of you spineless looking to be offended folks turned into something it was not.”

ThinkProgress’ Lindsay Gibbs notes that “Schilling really and truly believes that he is a victim in all of this. He has shown no desire or effort to learn, evolve, or make amends for his comments.”

USA Today’s Andrew Joseph says “Schilling may not have been the original poster of the meme — he technically shared it. But he still posted and endorsed the message it promoted.”

“And after all the outrage,” Joseph concludes, “he still doesn’t realize what’s expected of him as a sports broadcaster.”

Outsports’ Cyd Zeigler says ESPN “has to” fire Schilling. 

“We are taking this matter very seriously and are in the process of reviewing it,” ESPN said Tuesday.

“Maybe making the matter even worse,” Zeigler writes, “one of ESPN’s MLB editors is a trans woman: Christina Kahrl. How does the company tell Kahrl anything but, ‘We reject this message and this man’?”


Image via Wikimedia

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