Few Thank Governor For Signing Hate-Based ‘Religious Freedom’ Bill

Religious and Hate Groups Offer Praise to Mississippi Governor, But Vast Majority Oppose Move

Despite being labeled unconstitutional by legal experts, early Tuesday afternoon Mississippi GOP Governor Phil Bryant ignored the pleadings of local business, equality advocates, and some religious groups by signing into law a vile, hate-based anti-LGBT bill. HB 1523 allows those who claim to hold a sincerely held religious or moral belief against the right of same-sex couples to marry, to deny them service. 

On social media, responses from anti-LGBT activists, right wing religious organizations, and hate groups were posted, praising Gov. Bryant, but many searches, including those for #HB1523, #religiousfreedom, #religiouslibertyand others netted little support for enshrining hate into law.

Far more posts were outcries of anger and disappointment that the bill was signed into law.

A sampling from the anti-LGBT right:

Family Research Council:

“We applaud Governor Bryant, Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves, and House Speaker Philip Gunn, for standing up for the fundamental freedoms of the people they represent,” FRC President Tony Perkins (photo) said in a statement. “No person should be punished by the government with crippling fines, or face disqualification for simply believing what President Obama believed just a few years ago, that marriage is the union of a man and a woman.”

“Big business and Hollywood have engaged in economic blackmail in Mississippi just like they have in Indiana, Georgia, North Carolina and Texas to try to force government discrimination of those who support natural marriage. However, unlike Indiana and Georgia, leaders in Mississippi, North Carolina and Texas have chosen to defend the fundamental freedom of their citizens to believe and live according to those beliefs, rather than capitulate to the economic threats of big business and entertainment.

“Long-term, political leaders who refuse to sacrifice fundamental freedoms under the threats of big government, big business and big entertainment are rewarded with support of voters as their states find such policies promote stronger families, stronger communities, which lead to stronger economies,” concluded Perkins.

Heritage Foundation’s Ryan T. Anderson:

Alliance Defends Freedom:

Franklin Graham:

Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President:

Texas Values President:

American Family Association’s Bryan Fischer:


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