With Slim Wins In Missouri, Clinton Sweeps 5 States, Trump Takes 4

Missouri Was a Super Tuesday Squeaker for Both Democratic and Republican Frontrunners

Missouri, a state of just over six million people, delivered wins to both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, by margins of far less than 2000 votes. 

NBC News projects Clinton the apparent winner in Missouri with just 1531 votes more than Bernie Sanders, and Donald Trump the apparent winner with just 1726 more votes than Ted Cruz.

Overall, Hillary Clinton Tuesday night won all five states: Florida, Illinois, Missouri, North Carolina, and Ohio. Many had believed Senator Sanders might pick up Ohio when exit polls found Democrats voting for that state’s Republican governor, John Kasich, which deprived Donald Trump of a win in the Buckeye State.

“If Sanders was going to suffer a major loss, now is a good time to do it,” NBC News observes. “With a slew of Sanders-friendly caucuses and two primaries they’re targeting, the Vermont senator’s aides expect he could win seven of the next eight contests.”

Super Tuesday also saw Marco Rubio lose his home state of Florida, prompting him to suspend his campaign. 


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