Tweet of the Day From ‘One of America’s Most Influential Conservative Thinkers’

Dinesh D’Souza Had a Thought

On his website, pseudo-intellectual Dinesh D’Souza says he was “named one of America’s most influential conservative thinkers by the New York Times Magazine.” (We’re not doubting it, we just couldn’t exactly find it.)

It would be too easy to label D’Souza a convicted felon, even though he is, for a campaign finance violation. But for all his transgressions – like having to “resign” as head of a Christian college for engaging in adultery – what D’Souza is best known for is his body of work attacking President Barack Obama.

He’s the author of The Roots of Obama’s Rage and Obama’s America: Unmaking the American Dream, and the film 2016: Obama’s America.

His latest enterprise is the film Hillary’s America, which he says “will pull back the veil on the Democratic Party and expose its soul for the world to see. Hillary’s America opens in theaters the same week that the Democratic National Convention meets.”

Perhaps that led him to post this tweet today:

This, ladies and gentlemen, is what passes for influential conservative thinking in America today.


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