Trump Opener Claims Sanders ‘Doesn’t Believe in God’ and ‘Gotta Get Saved’ (Video)

North Carolina Pastor Says America’s First Jewish Candidate to Be a Serious Contender for a Party’s Presidential Nomination, Isn’t Jewish – and Needs Jesus

Bernie Sanders is an atheist who needs Jesus, a North Carolina pastor warming up a crowd for Donald Trump said Monday. Mark Burns, a pastor and televangelist told Trump supporters that Senator Sanders, America’s first Jew to become a serious contender for a political party’s presidential nomination, “doesn’t believe in God.”

“Bernie gotta get saved,” Burns, clearly not “feeling the bern,” said, according to Hemant Mehta at Friendly Atheist. “He gotta meet Jesus… He gotta have a ‘coming to Jesus’ meeting.”

Sanders has on several occasions discussed his faith, and has never publicly identified as an atheist.

“Besides the idiocy of slamming another candidate on the basis of his religion, it doesn’t even make any sense,” Mehta muses. “As the saying goes, Jesus was a Jewish socialist. He reached out to the minorities of his time. He helped the poor and said, ‘it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.'”


Image: Screenshot via Angelo Caruson/Twitter 

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