The Big News Out of Nevada Isn’t Trump’s Huge Win, It’s That Ted Cruz’s Campaign Is On Life-Support

Cruz’s Lies, Dirty Tricks Come Home to Roost, Comes in Distant Third to Trump

Ted Cruz’s campaign is on life-support. The Texas Tea Party Senator’s past has caught up with him: the lies, the dirty tricks, the fact that no one actually likes him, the hate-mongering, and the fear-mongering all came home to roost Tuesday night in Nevada.

Donald Trump was a sure bet to take home the gold in the Silver State, but, if the entrance polls are correct, his win among Hispanics is a harbinger of winning the GOP nomination, and quickly. 

When all was said and done, the brash billionaire won the Nevada caucuses with 45.9% of the vote. Marco Rubio came in second, with a distant 23.9%, and Ted Cruz finished third, win 21.4% – less than half of Trump’s take.

Buzzfeed notes that “on Tuesday night, after the Nevada race was called for Trump within minutes of the caucuses ending, after an alarm went off at Cruz’s event, and after surrogates spoke, a tired-looking Cruz took the stage at his election night party inside a YMCA here. Though the Cruz campaign wasn’t projecting a win in Nevada, Trump’s victory is making it more and more obvious that he’s the likely nominee.”

Cruz has spent the past week fending off attacks from Trump and Rubio that he’s a liar. The veracity of those charges increased exponentially when his less-than honorable communications director Sunday shared a video that falsely claimed Marco Rubio was mocking the Bible. Cruz, after Rubio demanded accountability, fired the guilty party, but Rubio made clear Cruz’s culture of campaign dirty tricks was to blame.

The Cruz campaign, once thought to be the only one who had a shot at possibly, maybe beating Trump, is now a nearly-dead one limping home to Texas. 

At his election night party,” the Washington Post reported overnight, Cruz “predicted a victory in Texas, the state he couldn’t ‘wait to get home’ to.”


Image: Screenshot via CBSN/YouTube 

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