Huckabee Slams Ted Cruz For ‘Pandering’ For ‘NYC Money’ At Home Of Gay NYC Businessmen

Flailing Christian Conservative Lashes Out In Twitter Rant

Former Governor Mike Huckabee is mad as hell and he’s fighting back, on Twitter. The GOP presidential candidate who thought he was the natural choice for Christian conservatives but is polling between zero and 6 percent in battleground states and nationally slammed the man who has attracted a good portion of the evangelical voting pool, Senator Ted Cruz.

Trying to turn around his failing campaign and turn around Cruz’s “New York values” slur against Donald Trump against Cruz, Huckabee took to Twitter Wednesday. The ordained Baptist minister attacked the Texas Tea Party candidate for “pandering” for “NYC money” and accused him, rightly, of saying one thing for votes and another for checks.

Huckabee linked to a New York Times article about Cruz’s fundraising dinner in the home of two gay Manhattan real estate developers, which dogged from all sides both the candidate and the businessmen for months. The LGBT community boycotted properties own by Mati Weiderpass and Ian Reisner, and Republicans attacked Cruz for associating with them.

Of course, Huckabee’s attack on Cruz was was clearly also a vile attack against the LGBT community, labeling same-sex relationships and marriage part of “America’s moral decay” and in violation of the “laws of nature & nature’s God.”


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