Guess Who The Duck Dynasty Dude Is Endorsing For President? ‘Godly’ Ted Cruz (Video)

Of course! What are the most important qualifications for being president? Being “Godly” and being able to duck hunt.

Phil Robertson has found his way back into mainstream America. He’s just announced who he is endorsing to be the next President of the United States – and why.

Robertson says he’s based his decision on a “narrow” set of criteria.

His candidate must be “Godly,” “love us,” be able to “do the job,” “and finally, would they kill a duck and put ’em in a pot and make ’em a good duck gumbo?”

“Ted Cruz is my man. He fits the bill.”

“You’re one of us, my man,” Robertson says.

Ted Cruz is lucky to get the endorsement of a man who has said that liberals are worse than Hitler, Stalin, and ISIS. Robertson of course also believes that sexually transmitted diseases like HIV/AIDS are the punishment God renders to those who violate His moral codes — including anything not “one man-one woman” intercourse.

Robertson drew national attention – and outrage – when, in December of 2013 he made ugly remarks about gay people and revealed a nasty streak of racism when he said that growing up in Louisiana he “never saw the mistreatment of any Black person.”

Since then, Robertson has become a hero of the religious right and the Tea Party, making Ted Cruz the perfect choice.

After all, as Robertson says, Cruz is one of them.



Image: Screenshot via Ted Cruz/YouTube
Hat tip: Mashable


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