Anti-Gay Activist: Christians Need ‘Militant, Warrior Mentality’ To Defeat ‘Satanic’ LGBT Movement

Dr. Steve Hotze Claims Caitlyn Jenner Would Have Been Locked Up 30 Years Ago for Being Transgender

Anti-LGBT Houston activist Dr. Steve Hotze says Christians need to adopt a “militant, warrior mentality” to defeat the “wicked, evil, satanic” LGBT rights movement. Hotze also says that 30 years ago, Caitlyn Jenner would have been “locked up” for being transgender. 

Hotze, who was a top donor to the campaign to defeat Houston’s Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO), made the comments Monday night during a “Take Back Our Party” rally in Pasadena, Texas. 

The rally was one of several organized across the state by anti-LGBT attorney and former Houston GOP chair Jared Woodfill, who served as spokesman for the anti-HERO campaign. According to Woodfill, the rallies are designed to “recruit, train and empower” Republicans interested in returning the Texas GOP to the “core values” defined in its platform. (Among other things, the 2014 Texas GOP platform endorses so-called “reparative therapy” and describes homosexuality as “a chosen behavior that is contrary to the fundamental unchanging truths that have been ordained by God.”)

In addition to Hotze and his Conservative Republicans of Texas, sponsors of the rallies include Texas Values President Jonathan Saenz and Texas Eagle Forum President Cathie Adams. According to The Houston Press, only about 25 people — mostly older and white — attended Monday’s rally at Greater Harvest Church in Pasadena. And although Hotze didn’t wield a sword, as he did at an anti-gay rally this summer where he declared war on “homofascists,” his anti-LGBT rhetoric was equally violent in nature. 

RELATED: Gay Marriage Will Lead To Teachers Encouraging 5 Year Olds ‘To Participate In Anal Sex,’ Warns Dr. Hotze

“I think what we’re missing in the Christian church today is a militant, warrior mentality,” Hotze told the crowd. “I know Jesus said not to take up arms, but I take the Old Testament literally. … They want to force us to celebrate homosexuality and other perverted acts — that’s all they think about. What has our society come to when Bruce Jenner puts on a dress and goes on the ESPN and gets an award for courage?”

The Houston Press reports that Hotze then deepened his voice for an impression of Jenner: “Uh, I’m Caitlyn Jenner, uh, yeah.” 

“Thirty years ago, they would have locked Jenner up,” Hotze said. “These people are crazy as a bedbug. This is a wicked, evil, satanic movement. They want to recruit, brainwash our children, right when the hormones start kicking in. I know, I’m a doctor. We’ve got sick, sexually perverted presidents. Then we’ve got the Muslim problem, which is one thing I like about Dan, uh, Dan, uh, Dan, uh, Donald Trump. If you know about that religion, then you know they want you to do what they want you to do or they’ll cut your head off! We need people to stand up against this absurd, ungodly tomfoolery. We’re putting on a full-court press. We’re challenging 35 seats to say enough is enough. We’re going to do everything we can to take them down.”

In an email Sunday publicizing the rally, Hotze attacked current GOP Texas House Speaker Joe Straus, who’s frequently targeted by right-wingers for being too liberal — and yes, not anti-LGBT enough. Before becoming speaker, Straus voted in favor of both the state’s marriage amendment and a proposed ban on gay foster parents. However, Hotze and others blame Straus and his leadership team for the defeat of more than 20 anti-LGBT bills in last year’s legislative session. 

“Speaker Joe Straus and his RINO lieutenants, members of the Homosexual Political Movement (LGBT and Log Cabin Republicans), their corporate business donors and pro-Muslim sympathizers are organizing and spending millions of dollars to drive Christian conservatives and their values out of the Texas Republican Party,” Hotze wrote.

“I am not going to tell you that if this liberal, secular cabal has its way, then the criminalization of Christianity will be the order of the day,” Hotze continued – suggesting that is exactly what he would say. 

Woodfill, meanwhile, is running for state party chair after he lost his re-eletion bid in Houston in 2014, and for him the rallies appear to be thinly disguised campaign events. Woodfill is challenging incumbent Texas GOP chair Tom Mechler, who once said he’d cancel his subscription if the local newspaper published a photo of a gay couple kissing. Apparently, that’s just not “militant” enough. 

At the end of his speech at Monday’s rally, Hotze reportedly wondered why the church wasn’t full. 

“I sent out mail and thousands of robocalls … we gotta get more soldiers,” he said. 



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