Ted Cruz: ‘I Commend Donald Trump’ (Video)

Ted Cruz refuses to denounce Donald Trump over the GOP frontrunner’s call to ban all Muslims from entering America.

Republican U.S. Senator Ted Cruz is refusing to condemn or denounce Donald Trump or the GOP frontrunner’s comments calling for a ban on all Muslims entering the United States. 

“There’s been no shortage of criticism of Donald Trump,” Cruz, sitting beside Texas Governor Greg Abbott, told reporters Tuesday morning at a press conference. 

“I do not believe the world needs my voice added to that chorus of critics,” the GOP presidential candidate said, refusing to in any way attack Trump or his comments.

In fact, Cruz, currently enjoying a jump in the polls, went even further than just sidestepping what many were looking for, an attack on the GOP frontrunner.

“I commend Donald Trump,” Cruz added.


After Trump’s comments on Muslims Monday afternoon, most GOP presidential candidates, (and all Democratic candidates) for president have either disagreed or offered strong push back.

Senator and GOP presidential candidate Lindsey Graham Tuesday morning told CNN, “You know how you make America great again? Tell Donald Trump to go to hell.”

But no one should be surprised with Trump’s latest xenophobic and racist attack, since he warned America two months ago it was coming.


Image by Gage Skidmore via Flickr and a CC license

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