NM GOP Lawmakers File ‘Religious Liberty’ Bill Stripping LGBT Protections

Two New Mexico Republicans are trying to take away protections from LGBT people under the guise of “religious liberty.”

Lawmakers in New Mexico are claiming Christians should have the right to refuse service to anyone who violates their deeply-held religious beliefs. Specifically, the right to refuse service to LGBT people.

Republican Reps. David Gallegos and Nora Espinoza have pre-filed a discriminatory bill for the 2016 session, HB55, that literally would strip the words “sexual orientation and gender identity” from the state Human Rights Act. 

“The intent of the bill would be to ensure people would not be forced to operate their business that was in a way inconsistent with their religious beliefs,” Rep. Gallegos told KOB-TV. “It would just keep everyone on an even playing field.”

They say state law should not “burden a person’s free exercise of religion by requiring the person to provide a service or to conduct business” that violates their “sincerely held religious belief.” 

Equality New Mexico and the New Mexico ACLU are fighting the legislation. 

“When the bill removes sexual orientation and gender, we know exactly what the intent is. It’s to make the lives of LGBT people harder,” Amber Royster, executive director of Equality New Mexico says. She calls it “blatant discrimination.”

Also opposed is State Senator Jacob Candelaria.

“This bill goes a lot further than just wedding photography. This bill would allow any profession, any person to deny services to people because they are lesbian or gay,” Sen. Candelaria says. “That includes doctors and pediatricians treating children whose parents are gay or lesbian.” 


Image by Rafael Gunti via Flickr and a CC license
Hat tip: Joe.My.God.


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