Mike Huckabee Slams Ted Cruz For Going Soft On Fighting Same-Sex Marriage

Mike Huckabee just released a statement attacking Ted Cruz upon the news that the Texas Senator was pandering to big money Manhattan donors.

Ted Cruz is taking heat after an audio recording of him pandering to big money Manhattan donors on same-sex marriage was leaked. Far from the Mitt Romney “47 percent” videos, the audio does, however, reveal Cruz is very willing to adjust his message based on who’s in the room and who’s holding the checkbook.

In the audio (which you can listen to here), Cruz disagrees with a same-sex marriage supporter who is also a fan of Cruz’s. He says that fighting same-sex marriage actually isn’t even in his top three priorities. 

That contrasts greatly with comments Cruz has made all year, including saying same-sex marriage is one of the greatest threats in all our history to liberty, and claiming LGBT activists are waging a “jihad” against Christians.

“Conservatives are being asked to ‘coalesce’ around yet another corporately-funded candidate who says something very different at a big donor fundraiser in Manhattan than at a church in Marshalltown,” Mike Huckabee wrote on Facebook an hour ago. “Shouldn’t a candidate be expected to have authenticity and consistency, instead of having to look at a map to decide what to believe and what to say?”

Huckabee, an ordained Southern Baptist preacher, says he “respects” Donald Trump, whether or not he agrees with him, because “he doesn’t pretend with his principles or change his message depending on his location or audience.”

“If issues like marriage and the sanctity of life are truly issues of principle and not just politics, then there should not be geographical boundaries to what is right and wrong,” Huckabee charges, promising he’ll “remain steadfast” in his positions, “particularly on the non-negotiable issues of faith and family.”

Huckabee is hoping to regain some of the religious right voters who in fact have coalesced around Cruz, forsaking the former Arkansas governor who is now polling at just 2 percent, versus Cruz’s 18 percent:


Image via Facebook 

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